To setup a global menu for xfce enviroment, we need Vala AppMenu plugin.
Add global menu 🔗
First, add the webupd8team/mate ppa and update the software sources.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/mate
sudo apt update
Then we install the plugin and its dependencies via this command.
sudo apt install xfce4-vala-appmenu-plugin unity-gtk3-module unity-gtk2-module appmenu-qt appmenu-qt5
Use below commands to remove normal menu from application windows.
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsMenubar -n -t bool -s true
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsAppmenu -n -t bool -s true
It’s done! Now you can logout then login back to see the change.
Remove it 🔗
To remove global menu, simply remove the Vala AppMenu plugin and add application windows menu back by running the below commands.
sudo apt purge xfce4-vala-appmenu-plugin mate-applet-vala-appmenu
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsMenubar -n -t bool -s false
xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Gtk/ShellShowsAppmenu -n -t bool -s false